5 New Great Niche Social News Sites for Bloggers

imagesNiche social news sites are one of the most important pillars of an SEO 2.0 strategy. Only by taking part in niche communities you are able to deeply connect with your peers who then support you elsewhere on the Web.

I’ve done that on Sphinn but there are several other niche social sites for bloggers, designers and Internet entrepreneurs that don’t focus on SEO.

The Web Blend covers a whole range of geeky topics, from Apple to WordPress. Still it’s much more cozy than the average tech community.

The MMO Social Network deals with all topics related to generating an income online. Be it social media, blogging or affiliate marketing.

Blogger Den covers not only guest blogging but also general marketing or SEO. Its design is similar to Digg where most of these topics are banned.

Digzign encompasses not only design related topics but also freelancing and branding for instance. It works similarly to Reddit with like and dislike buttons.

Blog Engage embraces all kinds of bloggers, not just bloggers who blog about blogging. You can select from a wide range of topics and vote stories or down.

Content Credit :  Blog Submission Agency http://www.blogsubmissionservice.com

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