
Google Announces New Compliance Deadline for Search Ads Publisher Products

Google delays search ad compliance to Feb 1, 2024. Discover the new requirements for AdSense products and their impact on EEA/UK traffic.

Introduction In a significant update for online advertisers and publishers, Google has announced changes to its compliance requirements for its search ads publisher products, including AdSense for Search, AdSense for Domains, AdSense for Shopping, and Programmable Search Engine. The enforcement of new consent management requirements is set to begin on February 1, 2024.

Background The initial announcement in August 2023 outlined Google’s plan to integrate these products with the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) Europe’s Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF). This integration is mandatory for serving ads to users in the European Economic Area (EEA) and the United Kingdom (UK). The original enforcement date was scheduled for January 16, 2024.

New Developments In a recent update, Google has postponed the enforcement date to February 1, 2024. This extension provides partners with additional time to adapt to the new requirements. Since November 2023, Google has been phasing out the serving of personalized ads in preparation for this change.

Technical Requirements For continued operation, partners must use a certified Consent Management Platform (CMP) that complies with the TCF when serving ads in the EEA or the UK. A list of certified CMPs is available in Google’s help centre. In addition, Google is introducing a new parameter for ad requests. This parameter allows for the serving of ads using an invalid traffic-only cookie & local storage on both consented and unconsented traffic. However, its implementation is optional and should be considered based on legal advice and regulatory guidelines.

Impact on Revenue It is important to note that partners who opt to use the new parameter instead of a Google-certified TCF CMP might experience a decrease in revenue from the EEA and UK regions. If neither a certified CMP nor the new parameter is implemented, Google’s search ads publisher products will not serve any ads.

Enforcement and Ramp-Up The enforcement will initially affect a small percentage of EEA and UK traffic, gradually increasing to encompass all traffic from these regions by the end of February 2024. To minimize potential impacts on monetization, partners are encouraged to implement a Google-certified TCF CMP by the new deadline.

Support and Resources Google remains committed to supporting its partners through this transition. Further details and resources, including a complete list of Google-certified CMPs, are available in their help centre.

Conclusion This move marks a significant step in Google’s ongoing efforts to enhance privacy and compliance in online advertising. By aligning with the TCF, Google aims to foster a more transparent and consent-based digital advertising ecosystem, particularly in the EEA and UK markets.

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