What Is Google Advanced Certification In Video Advertising?

Video advertising is one of the rapidly growing industry in today’s’ world. It is a way that  provides an opportunity which enables the system to play ads on, before or after while we are  watching our favorite videos on internet. It allows advertisers to connect with their targeted
audience. Google has now introduced Video Advertising advanced certification. It was first  launched in United States in May 2014 and by the end of June it is introduced to many other  countries around the world. In India Google rolled out information about advanced certification in
Video Advertising on 26th of June.

This certification test expertise you in basic as well as advanced YouTube and such other visual  network by Google. Google has initiated this certification program to all the Google partners. It  has topics such as ad formatting, targeting, and reporting. To acquire this certification program
we initially need to be proficient in Google Ad-words.

If you get certified in advanced Video Advertising certification there are numerous benefits such  as you become an online advertising professional which will enhance your credibility among  your clients and that will boost your business. To get certified in Google Video advertising
expert certification you need to sign up for Google partner and clear the certified examination in  AdWords and you also need to pass the Video Advertising exam by Google.

The least requirement to become certified in advanced Video Advertising is 85%. There are  total of 74 questions and time duration of 90 minutes is given to solve these questions. If by  chance you don’t perform well and score below the minimum requirement (85%), then don’t be
worried you can take this test again after seven days. Topics that will surely help you in clearing  this certified examination and getting good marks is “all about video advertising”, “how to create  advertisements and campaigns”, “how to optimize performance”. Despite above topics your
experience in working with AdWords will of course help you in obtaining good marks.

Video to learn more on this topic

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