Top Solutions for Successful Content Marketing Using SEO

When rumors came into existence regarding the end of the chapter of SEO two years ago, new term came into lime light i.e. Content Marketing. Many big names in this field changed their processes and adapt this new way to make their website visible on first page of Google.

In reality, these two work hands in hand to make it more affective.  Where utilization of correct URLs, Titles and good use of Meta Tags are the part of Good SEO technique and at the same time a good Content Marketing strategy helps to reach these SEO goals.

Let us go for an example, if somehow your website is not properly indexed by Google, then you surely need help of a good SEO Strategy and Quality Content. This is the only reason for the collaboration working of SEO Experts with top content writing professionals.

After years of research, we reached to these top solutions for his collaboration:

 Importance to Quality & Original Content

Few Years back, we can think about writing content exactly needed to crawl in Google.  But today, this strategy does not work out.  Instead of content writing with the point of view of SEO, try to maintain its quality, originality and user engagement perspective.  This content will help the website to get index in search engines. You can see by yourself whether your website content will engage users to stay for few more minutes on it or not.

Link Building Strategy 

A well written Content will always act like a magnet for links. Always make a check that links should be distributed evenly so that it can come into the eyes of all users affectively. According to a study, a Good Blog Post will get around 200 to 1050 backlinks. Content should be drafted in a way which covers all the necessary points and which will attract ample number of backlinks.

Internal Links to the Content

One of the most effective to boost ranking of your website is to provide internal links to it. This will help us to achieve our SEO Goals. Google crawl website and this helps pages to rank for particular Keywords relevant to article they are going through. This can only be achieved by practice considering it while content writing or editing article.

Keeping an eye on Keyword Research

When you are ready with the list of terms and phrases to aim while writing content, make sure first thing that matters is the quality and user influential power of your content. To expand its exposure level, make availability of searching terms used by naïve users i.e. Keywords in your post. On the other hand if you increase the use of difficult terms like technical terms, then this could let you get results what you are expecting from the content itself. To avoid this kind of situations, do some case study on keyword research to get to know about popular terms on Internet.

Making Affective Headlines

Headline should be self descriptive in nature which lingers the users and make them to click on article. But make sure headline promising anything more than it can deliver at the time will not work out here. It should be according to point of Web User. Keywords and phrases must be taken care of here. Make use of word and character count tool to use the right word count while pitching your audience.

While summarizing this post, we can say that Content and SEO are two different fields which required different kind of knowledge and expertise but the success depends on each other only. SEO optimized Title; Content enriched with good Keywords, drafting plan for Link Building and Quality content is enough to make your Content Marketing campaign a big victory.

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