Matt Cutts Inform How To Express Google Multiple Domains Are Connate

Is there any way Google identifies “siblings” website?
For example: Alliance between and Does linking from one to the other is taken as compensated or odd?

To hear Matt’s full response in his own words, please see the video below:

Matt cuts tells Google does the great they can to interpret connate between websites, but it would also be applicable if users could tell Google a scrap more about what their sites are so Google can arrival the right arrival to the right users regardless of which nation they’re coming from.

The perfect way to help Google with this, Matt cutts says, is to use commodity called hreflang. You can use this inward of a webpage by using markup code that tells Google where to find another discrepancy of the similar domain.

Google tries to clarify where users are coming from and display them the greatest version of a page according to languages, locations, etc. But linking pages binding with hreflang would help Google do their job of rotating the right page more adequately.

For the utmost part, Matt cutts says do not worry about Google viewing this thoughtful of linking as paid, but he still advise to make it look as organic. For example, stuffing the footer with dozens of distinct links to similar domains would start to look a bit spammed.

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